Take advantage of the attractive discount scheme now and secure your place at the FORTRESS Business Conference!

Book your place at the FORTRESS Business Conference now and take advantage of the attractive discount scheme for groups, Early Bird registrations and Systema Romania customers.

Hurry up! Only 4 days left. Take advantage of the 25% Early Bird discount and secure your place before 14 April.

Invite your partners and collaborators, offer them an unforgettable evening and benefit from the attractive discount system dedicated to groups.

Are you a Systema Romania customer? Thank you for your trust and we offer you preferential prices.

The FORTRESS concept was born out of the desire to offer clients integrated services and to share visions created through experience. Therefore Systema Romania aims to actively contribute to the dynamization of the business environment by generating real opportunities for business development through:

  • facilitating access to up-to-date information and know-how,
  • actively encouraging interaction and exchange of experience.

For registration and full information about the conference, visit the FORTRESS page or contact the Systema Romania team:

Alina Niculai – Marketing Director

mobile – 0728 288 035

mail – fortress@urscertificari.ro